Thursday, December 29, 2016

NMI Payment Direct Post - Magento 2

NMI Payment - Direct Post extension allows you to take credit card payments through NMI Payment Gateway directly on your Magento 2 website. This extension does not store any card details on the shop.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Beanstream Payment - Magento 2

Beanstream payment - Magento 2 extension allows you to take credit card payments through SecurionPay directly on your Magento website.
It supports Canadian and US dollar, GBP and Euro transactions for the most popular credit cards - including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover, etc.

Friday, November 25, 2016

SecurionPay - Magento 2

SecurionPay Magento 2 extension processes all the major card brands including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AMEX, Diners Club, JCB, Visa Electron and Maestro
Details link:

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bank Of Beirut Payments - Magento 2

Bank of Beirut Payments - Magento 2 extension allows you to use Bank of Beirut as a credit card processor, using their fully integrated API process. You can process Visa and Mastercard by default, and can optionally accept American Express, Diners Club and JCB after further activation by Bank of Beirut.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

ANZ eGate MiGS VAS - Magento 2

Allows you to accept transactions from Visa, MasterCard. This payment method is for Online Stores based in Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands.

Friday, August 5, 2016

WePay Payment Gateway - Magento 2

WePay Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allow you to process credit card payments through WePay. With fast and easy setup, great rates, and excellent customer service, WePay has joined PayPal as an excellent option for small business payment processing and powers over 250,000 merchants.
WePay Payment Gateway - Magento 2 provides the option to either redirect customers to the secure hosted pay page. Customer payment information is directed through WePay’s secure servers, allowing you to benefit from their secure payment processing and stop worrying about security.


Hosted Payment Page (Redirect to WePay website for credit card entry, then redirect back to your confirmation page once successful.)
Accepts Major Credit Cards / Debit Cards – Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, Discover®
Secure Checkout Process
Customer pays processing fees
Support Payment Action: Authorize and Capture Online
Support Refund Online
Easy to Configure in Magento backend
Easy  to configure Environment Test/Live
Merchant ID  and Secure Key encrypted in backend
Support Multi-Stores

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Bendigo Payment Gateway - Magento 2

Bendigo Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through Bendigo Payment Gateway 
After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for the order. 


- Support Merchant Server API (2-Party Payments) - collect card details directly in your checkout, post directly.
- Support Hosted Server (3-Party Payments) - redirect to collect card details.
- Support MiGS
- 3D Secure
- Capture New Sales 
- Create Invoice Automatically


Backend Account
Username: payment
Password: test123

Test Credit Card Numbers

Visa: 4987654321098769 - 05/17
MasterCard: 5123456789012346 - 05/17

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bank Audi Payment Gateway - Magento 2

Bank Audi Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through the payment gateway


- Support Merchant Server API (2-Party Payments) - collect card details directly in your checkout, post directly.
- Support Hosted Server (3-Party Payments) - redirect to collect card details.
- Support MiGS
- 3D Secure
- Capture New Sales 
- Create Invoice Automatically


Backend Account
Username: payment
Password: test123

Test Credit Card Numbers

Visa: 4987654321098769 - 05/17
MasterCard: 5123456789012346 - 05/17
Amex: 371449635311004 - 05/17

Frontend Screenshot


Extract the file into your Magento root directory. The module will be installed under app/code/PL/Audi/
From a terminal, run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Release Notes

Version 2.0.1
Released 3 July, 2016

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Tranzila Payment - Magento 2

Payment method uses the Tranzila payment gateway for credit card processing Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX, Diners Club, JCB

The Tranzila payment gateway for credit card processing. It develops on magento for payment gateway To config for module you have enter Merchant ID which you got from panel of Tranzila.Gateway URL is important value. Tranzila will base on that url to allow what currency applied when processing.
Secure Payment Gateway 


Extract the file into your Magento root directory. The module will be installed under app/code/PL/Tranzila/
From a terminal, run the following commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
php bin/magento cache:clean

Thursday, July 21, 2016

How to get IPAddress in Magento 2

Here is a simple way to get IP Address in Magento 2
protected function getIpAddress()
        $om = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance();
        $obj = $om->get('Magento\Framework\HTTP\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress');
        $ip =  $obj->getRemoteAddress();
        return $ip;

CyberSource Payment Gateway - Magento 2


CyberSource Payment Gateway - Magento 2 is a payment gateway extension that allows you to take credit card payments via CyberSource directly on your Magento® website.
With Secure Gateway powered by CyberSource, you can offer a range of functionality to help your customers with their business.
CyberSource enables fast, reliable and secure credit card processing in multiple currencies. The service supports universal and regional card types and brands across all the major acquiring banks.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

NAB Transact (National Australia Bank) - Magento 2

NAB Transact (National Australia Bank) - Magento 2 allows you to use NAB Transact as a credit card processor. You can process Visa and Mastercard by default and can optionally accept American Express, Diners Club and JCB after activation from NAB.
Nab Transact Payment Gateways provides massive flexibility with highest standards of safety, security and reliability that makes easy for customers to use. It’s easy to integrate and extended. This payment service is best for start-up, small, medium or big sized online merchants.

Stripe Payment Gateway - Magento 2

 Stripe processes all the major card brands: Visa, MC, Discover, AMEX, Diners Club, JCB
Stripe enables you to accept payments in minutes. Collect your customers’ payment information easily and securely on web
Credit card is sent directly to Stripe, ensuring sensitive data never hits your servers
Stripe supports 100+ currencies


In test mode, you can use these test cards to simulate a successful transaction:
4000056655665556Visa (debit)
5200828282828210MasterCard (debit)
5105105105105100MasterCard (prepaid)
378282246310005American Express
371449635398431American Express
30569309025904Diners Club
38520000023237Diners Club

Saturday, July 16, 2016

How to resize image for Custom Module in Magento 2

A Helper it helps you can resize the images for custom module not related to Catalog module of Native Magento 2

How to use Date Time in Magento 2

For beginner who is getting problem with Datetime class that is not like Magento 1x
we just use class: Magento\Framework\Stdlib\DateTime\DateTime
For example: 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Commonwealth Bank (Commweb) - Magento 2

Commonwealth Bank (CommWeb) - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through Commonwealth Bank Australia.
After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for the order. 

Westpac PayWay API & PayWay Net - Magento 2

Westpac PayWay API & PayWay Net - Magento 2 allows you to use Westpac PayWay API as a credit card processor, using their fully integrated API process. You can process Visa and Mastercard by default, and can optionally accept American Express, Diners Club and JCB after further activation by Westpac

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

ANZ eGate Payment Gateway - Magento 2

ANZ eGate Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through ANZ eGate
After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for the order. 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Suncorp (Australia) Virtual POS Payment Gateway - Magento 2

Suncorp (Australia) Virtual POS Payment Gateway - Magento 2 is developed on Magento 2 platform for payment gateway and using the Suncorp Bank Virtual POS payment gateway for credit card processing.


- Support Merchant Server API (2-Party Payments) - collect card details directly in your checkout, post directly.
- Support Hosted Server (3-Party Payments) - redirect to collect card details.
- Support MiGS
- 3D Secure
- Capture New Sales 
- Create Invoice Automatically

Sunday, July 10, 2016

HSBC Payment Gateway - Magento 2

HSBC Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through the payment gateway
After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for the order. 

Bendigo Payment Gateway - Magento 2

Bendigo Payment Gateway - Magento 2 allows to process credit card payments online directly transferred into your bank account through Bendigo Payment Gateway 
After customers choose payment method on website, it will be redirected to payment gateway and make payment. After paying successfully on payment gateway, it will redirect to shop’s website and then update status for the order. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Sale Notices - Magento 2

A box that pops up that gives the impression an item has been sold even if it has not. The idea is to give a potential buyer confidence that people are buying and therefore they will buy also.
Sale Notice pup-up shows at the left bottom corner where visitors can easily take a look.

OAB (Oman Arab Bank) iPAY Internet Payment Gateway - Magento 2

  Magento 2 OAB iPAY Internet Payment Gateway   is an online payment solution that can be integrated with the Magento 2 eCommerce store. The...